Link Building

Let's Start

Who I am

I’m Paddy Moogan and I’m the author of The Link Building Book. I’m the co-founder of Aira, a digital marketing agency based in Milton Keynes in the UK. I’ve been working in SEO since around 2004 when I was studying for a Law degree, got a little bored and started building (and ranking) websites in between lectures. I originally released The Link Building Book in 2013 and was originally a paid book. In 2020, I decided to update the entire book and upload it online for free which brings us to today.

What you’ll learn

tl;dr: A LOT!

You’ll learn everything you need to know to successfully go out and run your own link building campaigns, or work with others to build links to your website. I don’t want to give you just theory, you’ll also get practical examples and case studies which will help you learn quicker and replicate the techniques that I’ll teach you.

The goals of this book

I want you to finish this book and be able to confidently come up with ideas for your own link building campaigns, then execute these campaigns successfully.

It won’t be easy. Link building is hard and anyone who says that it’s easy is either lying or they’ve never consistently built links in their life.

But learn the basics, apply the principles in this course and persist, and you’ll be ahead of 95% of people who try to build links.

How to get the most out of this book

I’ve structured this book to break down a big topic into small chunks which you can take as slow or fast as you want. If you’re new into the SEO industry or link building, you should start at the beginning and make sure that you read and understand the fundamentals. If you’re a bit more experienced, you can probably get away with skim reading the earlier chapters on the basics but I’d still recommend applying yourself 100%. Most importantly, you need to get out there and practice what you read.

Getting started is as easy as having a conversation.
