The survey opened on 16th March 2022 and closed on 2nd May 2022. During this time, 270 individuals responded to the survey which was run via TypeForm. Whilst most respondents answered the same set of questions, there was some custom logic included which meant that some respondents didn’t see all questions.
For example, those who described themselves as in-house marketers answered several questions which were tailored to them.
The results were visualised automatically via TypeForm and these initial results were shared with expert contributors in the weeks following the closure of the survey. Expert contributors were asked to comment on questions and answers which they found particularly interesting. Aside from correcting errors such as typos, expert contributor comments are published unedited.
Numbers were rounded off for the purpose of publishing the report.
Below is a breakdown of key demographics to which we asked respondents.
How would you describe who you work for?
Respondents were asked to choose the best fit for who they worked for. We deliberated a little bit about where freelancers/contractors should fit because they could cross between agency and in-house, but we decided to keep them separate to get a clearer view of the results.
This year, people who work at agencies made up just over half of respondents (51%) whilst in-house respondents followed behind at 33%. Freelancers and contractors made up the remaining 16%.
After choosing their type of role, respondents were taken in two different directions based on their answers to the question above. Agencies and freelancers were given a different series of questions to in-house marketers. Later on, they come back together.
How many years have you been working in digital marketing?
34% of respondents have been working in digital marketing for over ten years, followed by 30% who have been working in digital marketing for five to ten years, closely followed by three to five years at 27%.
How would you describe your role?
Next, we wanted to learn the kinds of roles that respondents had and we saw results tilted toward senior roles, with Team Leaders/Heads of Departments and Seniors making up 49% of respondents.
Only 4% described themselves as Junior level.
The survey received responses from 31 different countries.
The majority of respondents were based in the United Kingdom (45%) and the United States (16%), followed by India (6%) and Netherlands (4%). The other respondents were spread relatively evenly across the remaining 27 countries. Only answers above 1% are shown in the graph below.