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Aira Named a Top Performing UK & Ireland Agency in Google Ads Shopping Campaigns

4 years ago

Back in August, Aira’s paid media team - headed up by Byron Marr - was lucky enough to be invited to join the new ‘Retail Digital Champions’ training programme, thanks to our status as a Google Premier Partner. 

We are proud of our long-standing strategic partnerships with key channels such as Google and Facebook, with our very own Googler joining us to speak at our last MKGO event.

This programme in particular was focussed on maximising growth for ecommerce businesses, in preparation for the peak retail season. 

It goes without saying 2020 was a year of rapid market change for businesses of all shapes and sizes. Consumer behaviour shifted even more to shopping online due to lockdown restrictions - as this article from McKinsey shows, ecommerce penetration grew the equivalent of 10 years in just 90 days during Q1 of 2020.

Needless to say with everybody shopping online, and a huge influx of new businesses being added to competition in ad auctions, a robust paid media strategy was essential to drive revenue and achieve business goals.

Our paid media team prides itself on being market-leading in the utilisation of machine learning and the adoption of the latest campaign formats, to drive the best return on investment for our clients.

Head of Paid Media at Aira, Byron Marr, commented on the team win:

“We were delighted to receive this award for being a ‘Top Performing UKI agency’ having successfully graduated at the top of the programme. The introduction of machine learning into paid media platforms has been significant over the past 18 months so being up to date with how to best utilise these tools is a must for generating the best ROI. I am proud to see our team as always embracing these changes and maintaining their industry leading level of knowledge on the topic.” 


Top Performing UK & Ireland Agency in Google Ads Shopping Campaigns


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